Aligning Your Business & Brand

Since I’m in the business of “brand alignment,” it’s important to discuss what I mean by the word, “brand.” It might differ from what you’ve heard – even from other marketers and branding experts.
Branding Basics for Ad Campaigns

Three Branding Basics to keep in mind whenever creating artwork for an ad campaign.
The Worst Mistake A Brand Can Make

And, like any [honest] friendship, one person is bound to make a mistake at some point. Because, at the core, brands and customers alike are just human. So, what’s the worst mistake a brand can make?
How My Carnival Got Curious (aka STORY 2017 Recap)

This year’s theme for STORY 2017 was “A Carnival of Curiosity” inviting attendees to put away fear that often stops creatives in our tracks and replace it with curiosity. This year, more than the past two years I’ve attended, has left me asking some important and hard questions.
Creativity vs Common Sense

There is no wisdom where there is no common sense: it cannot under those conditions find any expression. – Idries Shahn this fast-paced, new world of marketing, where the only thing we can be assured of is change, marketers can lose sight of a simple fact: people need to understand a message in order to respond […]
Elements of a Great Creative Brief

When small businesses decide to invest dollars into creating a marketing piece – for example, a logo, brochure or promotional video – a good first step is to compose a creative brief. Creative briefs help give background and lay the groundwork for your agency or freelancer to plan for and execute your project with your goals in mind. This results in better ideation and an end product your organization will be proud to flaunt.
Why Comparison Marketing Might Not Help Your Sales

For advertisers, comparison is a tactic essentially used to say, “Hey, we’re better than those guys.” Unfortunately, in the same way that people don’t appreciate being compared negatively to others, I don’t think consumers appreciate this approach. Here’s why.
Three Steps To Create Brand Advocates

The simple truth is that creating brand advocates who tell their friends and family about your product and service is the most effective marketing strategy regardless of industry.
Customer Service Lessons From A Car Dealership

A car dealership seems like an unlikely place to learn lessons about anything, let alone customer service. But an experience last week with my local dealership changed my mind and reminded me that excellent customer service can demonstrated by any business.