How To Get Certified as a Women-Owned Small Business

A clear outline of what you need to do be certified as an official small business or women-owned small business.
One Myth the Pandemic Exposed

There are many new normals due to COVID-19, but one of the things the pandemic has exposed is the myth that working for a company brings job security.
The Most Important Tool for Solopreneurs

The most important tool a solopreneuer needs to be successful isn’t a solid business plan. It’s this tool that everyone already has but few rarely use.
The First 10 Steps to Start a Small Business in San Diego

was recently talking to a friend who works at a local nonprofit, David’s Harp Foundation. They mentor at-risk youth in music production, audio engineering, video, and photography. They now have a new program helping young people start their own businesses. But navigating the process can be a little confusing if you don’t do a ton […]
8 Smart Career Tips

I recently read an article in Real Simple that featured responses to the question, “What is the smartest career advice you’ve ever received?” I have experienced much of the advice in one form or another in my own career, so I want to share my own take on some of the themes with some additions.
Passion Projects

Passion projects are those things we have a burning sense to do but don’t set aside time to start yet alone complete. They are generally life-giving and may make our lives easier (I’m thinking of home projects in particular), but they take a back burner to actually earning money or caring for family and kids or engaging in a social life. So how do we make space to get to them?
Don’t Be Boring (A Guide To Better Resumes)

When it comes to marketing ourselves, especially in creative fields, we can no longer get away with just a plain ole’ WORD doc. Here are some tips to make sure you stand out from the rest of the job seeking crowd.
Escaping Loneliness for the Entrepreneur

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned over the past 5 years, since starting my consulting business, is the importance of going together. That is, having other people to work with, collaborate with, share the journey with. It helps increase the quality of my work, gives me a sense of (work) community, and increases my overall job satisfaction. Here are 5 ways entrepreneurs can escape their lonely plight.
Whistle While You Work

It’s more and more evident that a lot of people are unsatisfied, uninspired and lack passion for work that causes them stress. But why? And how do we escape from this ugly reality?
The Extended Vacation Guide

I recently returned from an extended vacation – an entire 34 days of being disconnected from work email, calls and social media. I received lots of “you’re crazy,” and “that’s ridiculously long” comments before and after, but why is this? Why is taking off for a month so (seemingly) anti-American? I’m here to champion the extended vacation…